South Salem Cycleworks closed May 31, 2018
I’m retiring and closing the shop, effective the 31st of May. A variety of issues have made me focus on this for the past year. Medical issues, personnel leaving, internet and distribution channels, divorce, and a desire to free myself from 6-7 day workweeks, along with the additional duties of paying bills and keeping on top of taxes.
We have offered rentals in the form of XC-skis, snowshoes, bicycles, tandems, and kid’s trailers for nearly 30 years. I don’t hesitate to say we’ve been the major player in rentals during this period of time, and paying the insurance premium for that as well. I hope someone steps up and carries that forward for tourists, or just folks out for a lark.
We’ll be offering our rentals for sale at very discounted prices, along with much of the store’s inventory of new parts and bikes. More exotic items will not be reduced, but will continue to be available via the shop’s gallery on this website.
I’ll miss my regular customers, many of which have enjoyed their free lifetime tune-ups, as well as introducing new riders to the sport. But I’ll also enjoy telling, instead of listening to, tales of riding, whether locally or more exotic locations.
I hope to see you on the road,
Michael Wolfe
There's a lot to explore. I'm sure we'll meet along the way.