Sunshine/Sanshin hub parts
Sunshine/Sanshin hub parts on this page: Pro-Am rear axleset | 10x1 rear hub cone
Sunshine/Sanshin hubs are posted here.
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The Sanshin Matsumoto factory was very busy in the 1970s and 1980s producing a wide range of high-quality hubs for the Japanese bicycle industry. The firm produced excellent hubs for entry-level bikes as well as excellent professional quality hubs.
The firm sold their production under the "Sanshin", "Sansin" and "Sunshine" brands. Sanshin also made SunTour Superbe hubs for SunTour.
Sunshine Pro-Am 10 x 1 x 131mm rear axleset. Lightly used, $50.00/each
Beautifully made.
End view
The drive-side cone
Here the non-drive side cone.
Sunshine/Sansin 10x1 rear hub cone. Lightly used, $15.00/each
Sunshine/Sansin 10x1 rear hub cone #1. Lightly used, $15.00/each
We have two in stock.
Lightly used
The cone's dimesnions
Sunshine/Sansin 10x1 rear hub cone #2. Lightly used, $15.00/each
We have two in stock.
Here's a close-up
Here are the cone's dimensions