South Salem Cycleworks: Salem, Oregon
(503) 480-2001
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Accessories - Silca Floor Pumps and pump parts

Silca floor pumps and pump parts on this page: Pista pump with brass bell chuck | Super Pista Limited Edition | Presta Brass Bell Chuck | Presta/Schrader Convertable Brass Bell Chuck | Brass Pump Chuck No.27.0 for presta & schrader | Floor pump gauge | Large floor pump gauge | Top pump cap with hose clip

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Since 1917, SILCA has been the global leader in high-performance pumps for cycling. The Pista Floor Pump embodies that heritage. A high-performance, durable, compact floor pump that easily reaches all tire pressure requirements while being small enough to live in the trunk of a car or hang/stand flat against the wall taking up minimal space.

Originally designed in the 1950's when the Bianchi-Pirelli team requested a pump that could fit under the rear seat of the Fiat team car, the Pista pump quickly became an icon of professional team cars and mechanic workstations at 6-Day track events around the world.  The compact form of the pump, and ability to lay completely flat, allow the pump to take up minimal space in a trunk, duffel bag, or larger tool kit, making it a true icon of the sport amongst the cycling cognoscenti.

Silca Pista floor pump with brass bell chuck. Used, $65.00/each

The original hose was replaced with a higher quality hose.

The classic

The punps base and gauge.

Close-up of the Silca sticker.

The classic brass presta chuck.

The original hose was replaced with a higher quality hose which is too large to fit in the handle slots.

Silca Super Pista Limited Edition floor pump. New, $150.00/each

Part# 13215

  • Long filler hose with integrated Schrader chuck
  • Push-on Presta chuck
  • Rated to 220psi

Silca Super Pista floor pump

The big Ash wooden handle makes the job up pumping up tires much easier.

Silca Super Pista floor pump

Looking down at the gauge.

Super pista gauge

The gauge is reads both PSI and BAR (metric, in atmospheres)

Super Pista pump head

And the presta/schrader pump head

Silca pump head

Here's a better close-up of the schrader/presta pump head combo.

Silca Presta only brass bell chuck.

We have three Silca presta/only brass bell chucks: #1 | #2 | #3

Silca Presta only brass bell chuck. Lightly used, $50.00/each

Here's the classic:

Silca brass pump chuck

Ready to go to work.

Silca brass pump chuck

The way your inner tube will see it.

Silca Presta only brass bell chuck, Type 2. Lightly used, $30.00/each

We believe this is a Silca product, but we are not completely certain.

Slca brass bell chuck

There was a time when this was the only chuck worth using to pump presta valves. It is still a superb tool.

Silca pump head

Side view

Silca brass pump chuck

The brass cap unscrews to allow the replacement of the gasket.

Silca No.24.0 presta-only brass pump chuck #3. Used, $50.00/each

Here's a good close-up

Silca brass pump chuck

Here's the pump head rotated 180 degrees.

Silca brass pump chuck

Here are its three simple, perfect parts.

Silca Schrader/Presta Valve Brass Bell Chuck. New, $40.00/each

Part# 13226

  • We have ten in stock
  • This chuck is easily converted from one valve mode to the other.

Silca brass pump head

Here's one of our new-in-the box bell chucks.

Silca convertable pump head

Made with Silca's traditional brass alloy.

Silca brass chuck

They way your tube will see this chuck.

Silca brass pump chuck

It easily comes apart to convert the chuck from presta to schrader or back again.

Silca brass pump chuck

Here's another disasembled pump chuck photo.

Silca pump chuck

New, in the box.

Silca Brass Pump Chuck No.27.0 for both presta and schrader valves. Used, $25.00/each

Silca brass pump chuck

Silca Floor Pump Gauge. New, $25.00/each

Part# 13231

Silca Floor pump gauge

The gauge face with its red needle you can set to help let you know when the tire is inflated.

Silca gauge

Side view

Silca floor pump gauge

Turned 90 degrees

Silca floor pump gauge

The bottom of the gauge, showing a bit of shop wear.

Silca Large Floor Pump Gauge. New, $30.00/each

Part# 13231

  • We have two in stock.

Silca pump gauge

The dial

Silca pump gauge

Side view

Silca Pump Gauge

The back of the gauge

Silca Pista Top Cap with Hose Clip. New, $40.00/each

Part# 13233

We have two of these rare caps for classic Silca floor pumps in stock.


Silca Pista pump top cap

Our two pump caps.