South Salem Cycleworks: Salem, Oregon
(503) 480-2001
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Accessories - Blackburn Frame Pumps

Blackburn frame pumps on this page: AS-1 Airstik Minipump | New Mammoth Mountain Pump | Used Mammoth Mountain Pump | MP-1 RapidFill Double Action pump

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Blackburn AS-1 Airstik Minipump. New, $25.00/each

  • Convertable head for either schrader or presta valves.
  • Comes with frame mount clips that position pump next to water bottle

Blackburn Airstik minipump

Pumps air on both pull and push strokes.

Blackburn mini pump

The back of the header card with directions and more product info.

Blackburn MMP-1 Mammoth Mountain Pump. New, $22.00/each

Mammoth mountain Pump

Designed to fill fat tires fast.

Blackburn Mammoth Mountain pump

The back of the header card with directions and more product info.

Blackburn MMP-1 Mammoth Mountain Pump. Used, $20.00/each

Blackburn Mammoth Mountain Pump

The pump has a thumblock and a pivoting handle

Blackburn Mountain pump

End view

Blackburn MP-1 RapidFill Double Action pump. Used, $20.00/each

Blackburn RaidFill pump