Bicycle Shop Merchandising Display Items
Bicycle shop merchandising display items on this page: Cannondale seat bag mounting system | Reelight display | Ride On/Gore-Tex Display
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Over the years bicycle and component makers have given us point-of-sale product display items that help tell a product's story. They are as much a part of bicycle history as the products themselves. We saved a few over the years. We'll work to get them posted as we dig them out.
Cannondale seat bag cleat-mount display. Used, $50.00/each
Cannondale wanted to explain their new method of securing a seatbag to a bike.
One side, straight on.
The story.
The back of the display.
Reelight Display. New, $50.00/each
This display can be mounted to a wall.
Reelight lighting products are posted here.
Here's the display.
Straight-on view
Here's a short video from Reelight explaining the light. It's at the top of the Reelight page.
Ride On/Gore-Tex Display Holder. New, $50.00/each
A shop display to demonstrate Ride On super-smooth cable systems.
A close-up of the explanatory text.