Soma Clincher (wired-on)Tires
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Soma clincher tires on this page: New Xpress 700 x 23 folding tire | New Xpress 700 x 35 folding tire
Soma New Xpress 700 x 23 folding bicycle tire. New, $30.00/each
Part# 46750
- This tire has Panaracer-developed HyperTex reinforced casing which the company says reduces flats and cuts without the harsher ride Kevlar belts can give a tire.
- The tire is made for Soma in Japan by Panaracer
- We have two in stock.
Flat resistance from HyperTex casing instead of Kevlar
Soma New Xpress 700 x 35 folding bicycle tire. New, $40.00/each
Part# 46752
- This tire has Panaracer-developed HyperTex reinforced casing which the company says reduces flats and cuts without the harsher ride Kevlar belts can give a tire.
- The tire is made for Soma in Japan by Panaracer
- We have six in stock.
Here's the tire
New, in the box.
The back of the box with more info