White Industries cranksets
White Industries cranksets on this page: V1 crankset with 175 arms
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White Industries is a small, family-owned firm that machines its own parts in a Northern California shop. They have been hand-crafting bicycle parts since 1978
White Industires V1 crankset with 175mm crankarms and 24/34/48 chainrings. Used, $250.00/each
While we don't know who made the 24-tooth ring, the 34 is a White Industries product and the 48 is a Shimano XTR ring.
The crankset with fixing bolts.
Here's just the right crank.
Close up.
Close-up of the big ring and one of the lifting pins.
Back of the right crank.
Here's the left arm.
The back of the left arm.