Spare parts for modern Campagnolo rear derailleurs
Campagnolo rear derailleurs are posted here: Vintage | Record | Chorus | Centaur | Veloce | Mirage
Parts for vintage Campagnolo rear derailleurs are posted here.
On this page, parts for Campagnolo modern rear derailleurs:
Adjusting barrels: 10-speed
Adjusting barrel springs: Adjusting barrel springs
Pulley wheels: 10-speed | C-Record
Cable anchor parts: cable anchor bolt | cable anchor nut | Anchor plate style 1 | Anchor plate style 2 | Anchor plate style 3 | Washer for cable fixing bolt
Mounting, Pivot bolts and springs: Record Titianium 98-99 upper pivot bolt | Record Titianium 01-08 pivot bolt | 90's Record, Chorus lower pivot bolt | '94-'98 Veloce-Chorus derailleur hanger mounting bolt | 90's Athena, Veloce, etc derailleur hanger mounting bolt | Upper pivot spring
Other parts: '90-'92 Record outer plate | '94-'95 Chorus outer cage plate with pivot | Triple rear derailleur outer cage plate | Rear Derailleur Hanger Bolt C-Clip for 2000 and later
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Campagnolo 10-speed rear derailleur adjusting barrel. New, $20.00/each
Part# 81170
Campagnolo rear derailleur adjusting barrel spring. New, $5.00
Part# 81164
- Campagnolo part# CARD-RE013
- We have nine in stock.
- Made for 1994 (and perhaps earlier) to 2007 derailleurs.
Campagnolo 10-speed pulley wheels. Lightly used, $15.00/set
Campagnolo C-Record Pulley Wheels. Used, $125/set
Campagnolo rear derailleur cable anchor bolt. New, $5.00
- Campagnolo part# CARD-CH007
- This will work on ’98 Mirage, ’97 Veloce, Mirage, Avanti, ’96 Athena, Veloce, Mirage, Avanti, ’95 Athena, Racing Triple, Veloce, Mirage, Avanti, ’94 Athena, Veloce, Stratos
- We have 32 in stock
Campagnolo rear derailleur cable anchor nut. New, $5.00
- Campagnolo part# CARD-CH004
- Will work on ’98 Mirage, ’97 Veloce, Mirage, Avanti, ’96 Athena, Veloce, Mirage, Avanti, ’95 Athena, Racing Triple, Veloce, Mirage, Avanti, ’94 Athena, Veloce, Stratos
- We have five in stock
Campagnolo rear derailleur cable anchor plate style 1. New, $10.00/each
- Campagnolo part# CARD-RE211
- Will work on ’98 Record, Chorus, ’99-2004 Record, Chorus, 2003-5 Centaur
- We have eight in stock.
Campagnolo rear derailleur cable anchor plate style 2. New, $10.00/each
- Campagnolo part# CARD-RE111
- Will work on ’98 Athena, Racing Triple, Veloce, ’97 Record, Chorus, ’96 Record, Chorus, ’94-’95 Record
- We have five in stock
Campagnolo rear derailleur cable anchor plate style 3. New, $10.00/each
- Campagnolo part# CARD-RE011
- Will work on ’94-’97 Record, ’96-97 Chorus 8-speed
Campagnolo rear derailleur washer for cable fixing bolt. New, $5.00/each
- Campagnolo part# CARD-CH003
- We have 24 in stock
- Will work on: ’94 Stratos, ’94-’96 Chorus, ’95 Racing Triple, ’95-97 Athena, ’94-97 Veloce, ’95-99 Avanti, ’95-2000 Mirage
Campagnolo Record 1998-99 Titanium rear derailleur mounting bolt (pivot bolt). New, $90.00/each
Part# 75061
- This bolt is 32.5mm long.
- Campagnolo part# CARD-RE219
- Record 19RE
- Made for 1998-99 Record 9-speed rear derailleurs
- We have four in stock.
Brand new!
Another view
Campagnolo Record 2001-2008 Titanium 9/10-speed rear derailleur pivot bolt. New, $90.00/each
Part# 75062
- This bolt is 42mm long.
- Campagnolo part# RD-RE309
- Made for 2001- 2008 Record 9/10-speed rear derailleurs
Campagnolo mid-late 90's Record, Chorus lower pivot bolt. New, $30.00/each
- Campagnolo part# CARD-RE007
- This bolt is 38.5mm long.
- We have 18 in stock
- It will work on ’94-’96 Record/Record OR; ’96-’99 Chorus
Campagnolo '94-'98 Veloce - Chorus derailleur hanger mounting bolt. New, $30.00
- Campagnolo part# CARD-CH019
- This bolt is 35mm long.
- We have three in stock
Campagnolo Athena, Veloce & others derailleur hanger mounting bolt. New, $30.00
- Campagnolo part# CARD-AT007
- This bolt is 36mm long.
- We have four in stock.
- It will work on ’94-’95 Athena, Veloce, Stratos; ’95 Racing Triple, Mirage, Avanti; ’96-‘98 Mirage.
Still in their Campagnolo bag.
Campagnolo rear derailleur upper pivot spring. New, $15.00
- We have two Campagnolo part numbers for this spring: RE017 & CARD-CH003
- It will work on: Record, Chorus, Centaur, Daytona, Athena, Racing Triple, Veloce, Mirage ’94- 2009
Campagnolo '90-'92 Record outer plate without pivot. New, $50.00
- Campagnolo part# CARD-RE005
- We have two in stock
- It may also work on Chorus
Campagnolo '94-'95 Chorus outer cage plate with pivot. New, $50.00
- Campagnolo part# CARD-CH009
- We have six in stock
- Made for 1994 and 1995 Chorus
New, with the pivot axle
The back side
Campagnolo triple rear derailleur outer cage plate. New, $35.00
- Campagnolo part# RD-VL119T
- We have one in stock.
- Fits '95-'97 Racing Triple/Veloce, ’96-’97 Mirage/Avanti.
Campagnolo Rear Derailleur Hanger Bolt C-Clip for 2000 and later. New, $5.00
- Campagnolo part# CARD-RE015
- We have 15 in stock