South Salem Cycleworks: Salem, Oregon
(503) 480-2001
We have a huge stock of vintage and modern parts. Contact us!

Bicycle headset parts & accessories

On this page: Wheels 1" headset locker | Growler 1" locking crown nut | FSA 1 1/8" headset locker | Gorilla 1 1/4" headset locker | Aheadset Stem Cap, flat finish | Aheadset Stem Cap, shiny finish | Cinelli 1 1/8" Threadless Headset Stem Cap | Giant Stem Cap | Jamis Bicycles Stem Cap | Ritchey 1 1/8" Stem Cap w/Bolt, Star Nut | Sinclair 1" threadless stem caps | Sinclair 1 1/8" threadless headset caps | Stronglight 1" Threadless Stem Cap | Stronglight 1 1/8" Threadless Stem Cap | 3T threadless stem cap & bolt | Wheels 1" red threadless stem cap | Threadless stem cap bolt | FSA 1 1/8" Carbon Preload Plug for threadless headsets | FSA 1 1/8" preload plug for threadless headsets | Ritchey 1 1/8" Preload Plug | Problem Solvers 1 1/8" Black Threadless Stem Cap | Terry purple alloy 1" alloy headset cap and bar plugs

Fork Crown races: Tange 27.0mm Needle fork Crown Race | YST 27.0mm fork crown race

Threadless headset spacers: RavX blue 1 1/8" spacers | RavX red 1 1/8" spacers | RavX silver 1 1/8" spacers | RavX white 1 1/8" spacers | Pink Carbon 1 1/8" spacer kit | XLC 1 1/8" blue alloy spacer kit | 1 1/4" spacers

Star nuts: 1" | 1 1/8" | 1 1/4"

Stem Captain threadless stem caps: Clock, Thermometer, Compass

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Wheels Manufacturing Growler 1" headset locker. New, $25.00

Part# 33201

Wheels headset nut

Growler 1" locking crown nut. Used, $20.00/each

Growler lock nut

FSA 1 1/8" top nut headset locker. New, $25.00

Part# 33202

Installing this headset locker will end loose headsets.

FSA Headset locker

Comes with the needed allen wrench.

Gorilla 1 1/4" top nut headset locker. New, $25.00

Part# 33203

Installing this headset locker will end loose headsets.

Gorilla Headset locker

New, in its factory packaging

Gorilla headset locker

Top view

Aheadset Stem Cap, flat finish. Used, $8.00/each

Aheadset stem cap

Aheadset Stem Cap, shiny finish. Used, $8.00/each

Aheadset stem cap

Cinelli 1 1/8" Threadless Headset Stem Cap. New, $20.00/each

This will work on a 1" steering tube if the steering tube is shimmed out to 1 1/8".

Cinelli stem cap

Top of the cap

Cinelli stem cap

The cap flipped over

Giant Stem Cap. Used, $8.00/each

Giant stem cap

Jamis Bicycles Stem Cap. Used, $8.00/each

Jamis Bicycles stem cap

Ritchey 1 1/8" Stem Cap with Bolt & Star Nut. New, $10.00/each

We have two in stock.

Ritchey Stem Cap

Sinclair 1" threadless stem caps. New

We have these caps in Green | Red

Sinclair 1" threadless green stem cap. New, $20.00/each

Part# 31289-G

We have two in stock.

Sinclair stem cap

Top of the cap.

Sinclair stem cap

The cap flipped over

Sinclair 1" threadless red stem cap. New, $20.00/each

Part# 31289-R

We have four in stock.

Sinclair stem cap

Top of the cap

Sinclair stem cap

The cap flipped over

Sinclair 1 1/8" threadless headset caps. New, $10.00

We have two: Green | Red

Sinclair 1 1/8" threadless green headset cap. New, $10.00

Part# 31290

Sinclair cap

New, in the package

Aheadset cap

And the flip side

Sinclair 1 1/8" threadless red headset cap. New, $10.00

Part# 31289

Sinclair aheadset cap

An easy way to dress up your bike

Sincalir headset cap

And the back side of the cap.

Stronglight 1-inch Threadless Stem Cap. New, $8.00/each

Part# 31289

We have 63 in stock.

Stronglight headset cap


Stronglight stem cap

Here's the Stronglight cap flipped over.

Stronglight 1 1/8-inch Threadless Stem Cap. New, $8.00/each

Part# 31290

We have 39 in stock.

Stronglight stem cap

Here's the top of the cap

Stronglight headsetcap

And the cap flipped over.

3T Threadless Stem Cap & Bolt. New, $20.00/each

3T stem cap & bolt

Wheels Manufacturing 1" red threadless stem cap. New, $15.00/each

Wheel Manufacturing stem cap

Front of the package

Headset cap

The back of the package

Threadless Stem Cap Bolt. New, $2.00/each

Part# 512

We have 96 in stock.

Threadless headset bolt

FSA 1 1/8" Carbon Preload Plug for threadless headsets. New, $30.00/each

Part# 33222

FSA preload plug

In its factory package

FSA preload plug

Here it is out of the package

FSA 1 1/8" preload plug for threadless headsets. New, $20.00/each

Part# 33226

FSA proad plug

In in its package.

FSA preload plug

And here it is, ready to go to work.

Ritchey 1 1/8" Preload Plug. New, $16.00/each

Part# 33228

Rithcey pre-load plug

The plug.

Ritchey preload plug

Side view

Terry purple alloy 1" alloy headset cap and bar plugs. New, $65.00

  • Headset top cap is for 1" headsets

Terry parts

Nicely made parts

Problem Solvers 1 1/8" Black Threadless Stem Cap. New, $8.00/each

Part# 31290

We have two in stock.

Problem solvers stem cap

Need one? Problem solved.

Problem Solvers headset cap

Here's the cap flipped over.

Tange 27.0mm Needle Fork Crown Race. New, $15.00/each

Part# 33170

Tange fork crown race

YST 27.0mm Fork Crown Race. New, $15.00/each

Part# 33171

We have eight in stock.

YST for crown race

RavX 1 1/8" Blue threadless alloy headset spacer set. New, $6.00/set

Part# 33232-B

Three spacers: 3mm, 5mm & 10mm tall.

RavX headset spacer set

RavX 1 1/8" Red threadless alloy headset spacer set. New, $6.00/set

Part# 33232-R

Three spacers: 3mm, 5mm & 10mm tall.

RavX threadless headset spacer set

RavX 1 1/8" Silver threadless headset spacer set. New, $6.00/set

Part# 33232-S

Three spacers: 3mm, 5mm & 10mm tall.

Ravx headset spacers

RavX 1 1/8" White threadless headset spacer set. New, $6.00/set

Part# 33232-W

Three spacers: 3mm, 5mm & 10mm tall.

RavX headset spacers

Summit Pink Carbon 1 1/8" threadless headset spacer kit. New, $18.00/each

Part# 33290

We have three kits in stock.

Summit spacer kit

New, on their header card.

pink carbon spacers

Side view. You can see they are pink and they are carbon fiber.

XLC 1 1/8" blue threadless alloy headset spacer kit. New, $10.00/set

Part# 33235

We have ten sets in stock.

Threadless headset spacer kit

A total of five spacers.

Headset spacers

Here's better look at them

Threadless headset spacers for 1 1/4" steering tubes. New, $7.00/each
1.5mm tall | 2.5mm tall | 5mm tall | 10mm tall

1.5mm tall threadless headset spacer for 1 1/4" steering tubes. New, $7.00/each

Part# 33270

We have three in stock

Headset spacers

2.5mm tall threadless headset spacer for 1 1/4" steering tubes. New, $7.00/each

Part# 33271

Headset spacers

5mm tall threadless headset spacer for 1 1/4" steering tubes. New, $7.00/each

Part# 33273

Headset spacer

10mm tall threadless headset spacer for 1 1/4" steering tubes. New, $7.00/each

Part# 33274

We have 22 in stock

10mm headset spacers

1" Star Nut. New, $4.00/each

Part# 33229

We have 51 in stock.

Star nut

1 1/8" Star Nut. New , $4.00/each

Part# 33230

We have 37 in stock.

1 1/8" star nut

1 1/4" Star Nut. New, $5.00/each

Part# 33231

Star nut

Stem Captain Threadless Stem Cap accessories:
Clock | Thermometer | Compass

The Stem Captain is compatible with 1 1/8" and 1" threadless style headsets that utilize a stem cap. The Stem Captain base piece replaces the standard stem cap. Your insert of choice can then be attached to the base.

Simply unscrew your existing stem cap and replace with the Stem Captain base. Press your chosen functional insert into the base. That’s all there is to it. (Note: this assumes that your current headset/stem is properly set up).

Stem Captain Threadless Stem Cap Clock. New, $25.00

As Cowboy Bob used to ask, "Hey kids, what time is it?"

Stem Captain clock

Now you can know.

Stem Captain Threadless Stem Cap Thermometer. New, $25.00

Them Captain thermometer

Still in its factory packaging

Stem Captain thermometer

Here's the back of the packaging

Stem Captain Threadless Stem Cap Compass. New, $25.00

Part# 31307

Stem Captain compass