Joytech Bicycle Hub parts
Joytech bicycle hub parts on this page:
Front cones made by Wheels Mfg: 9 x 1 front hub cone | 9 x 26mm front hub cone
Rear cones made by Joy Tech: Joy Tech, Joy U, KK 10x1 rear hub cone | 10x1 rear hub cone
Rear cones made by Wheels Mfg: 10 x 26mm rear hub cone
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JoyTech/Joy U/KK compatible 9 x 1 front hub cone made by Wheels Mfg. New, $14.50/each
Part # 63378
- Wheels Mfg part #R083
- We have 21 in stock.
These cones will work in the hubs of several Taiwanese makers.
The cone dimensions
Joytech 9 x 26mm front hub cone made by Wheels Mfg. New, $10.00/each
Part# 63423
Side view of the cones.
Straight-on side view
Here are the cone's measurement if you need to check for compatibility
Here are some specs from the Wheels Mfg package the cones come in.
Joytech 10 x 26mm rear hub cone made by Wheels Mfg. New, $10.00/each
Part# 63403
Side and top view of the cones.
Here are the cone's measurement if you need to check for compatibility
Joy Tech, Joy U, KK 10x1 rear hub cone. New, $14.50/each
Part #63429 (R081)
We have 11 in stock.
Nicely finished.
The cone dimensions
Joy Tech 10x1 rear hub cone. New, $14.50/each
Part #63429
- We have five in stock.
- We believe these are Joy Tech rear hub cones, but we are not certain. Please check the cone dimensions to make sure these cones will suit your need.
The hub cones.
Here are the cone dimensions