South Salem Cycleworks: Salem, Oregon
(503) 480-2001
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Cycle Components - Cleat adapters and shims

On this page: Carnac traditional slotted cleats | Sidi clipped to clipless adapter | Look cleat spacers | 2-Hole nail-on cleat conversion kit | 3-Hole cleat conversion kit | Look-Shimano cleat leg length adapter kit by Speedplay | Big Meat angle shim kit for Time and Speedplay

Time parts: Time shoe shims for mounting Look Delta cleats | Time TBT cleat shims

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Carnac traditional slotted cleats insert, USC 3.3. New, $20.00

Part# 22957

Want to use toe clips and straps on quill pedals but wear Carnac shoes? Here you are!

Carnac slotted cleats

Sidi clipped to clipless adapter inserts. Used, $10.00

Do you have traditional Sidi shoes made for slotted cleats but would like to use Look clipless pedals? These adapters will do the trick.

Sidi clipped to clipless adapter

Spacers for Look cleats made by Vittoria shoes. New, $10.00

Need to space a cleat just a touch away from the shoe?

Look spacing shims

2-Hole nail-on cleat conversion kit. Used, $40.00/set

  • Nail these on your shoes if you want to convert to 2-bolt adjustable cleats.

Cleat conversion kit

Here are the nail-on plates.

Cleat conversion kit

We have the special nuts that go under the plates.

3-hole Cleat Conversion Kit. New, $40.00/set

These are meant for drilling holes in the sole of the shoe in a three-hole pattern. The nuts are inserted from inside the shoe, and the bolts attach the cleat to the nuts. 

 3-hole cleat conversion kit

Look-Shimano cleat leg length adapter kit by Speedplay. New, $10.00

There is a single shim in this kit.

Here's Speedplay's explanation: No one has two legs that are exactly the same length, and for some, the difference is significant. Fortunately, Speedplay has a simple solution - our leg-shim kit! Insert the shims between your shoe and cleat and they can equalize differences in leg length.

Speedplay adapter kit

Note: the kit has one shim, not two.

Big Meat Angle Shim Kit for Time and Speedplay. New, $25.00/for 4 shims

Part# 22811

  • These will tilt the cleat 0 - 1.25mm.
  • We have two sets.

Big Meat angle adapter

The shim kit.

Big Meat andle shims

Another view of the set.

Big Meat shim

Close-up of a single shim.

Time shoe shims for mounting Look Delta cleats. New, $5.00/each shim

Time Shoe shims

The drawing shows how they work.

Time TBT cleat shims.

We have both as New & Used

Time TBT cleat shims. New, $5.00/each

Time TBT Cleat Shims

Time TBT cleat shims. Used, $5.00/each

Tme TBT cleat shims