1/8" track/fixed gear cogs
1/8" track cogs on this page: 14-tooth | 15-tooth | 16-tooth | 17-tooth | 18-tooth | 19-tooth | 20-tooth
3/32" cogs are posted here | Track cog lockrings are posted here. Note: It is absolutely necessary to put a lockring on a track hub. Our lockring page explains why.
We don't have an on-line shopping cart. If you see something that interests you or if you have a question, please call us at (503) 480-2001.
14-tooth 1/8" track cogs: SunTour | Suzue
SunTour 14-tooth track cog. Used, $35.00/each
We believe this cog was made by SunTour, but cannot be sure.
Front side
And the cog's back side.
Suzue 14-tooth track cog. New, $45.00/each
Part# 56499
- We have two in stock
- Mirror-polished Stainless Steel
- CNC-machined
Beautifully made.
Here's the back of the cog.
15-tooth 1/8" track cogs: Surly | 15-unknown maker
Surly 15-tooth track cog. Used, $25.00
From the front
Here's the back of the Surly track cog.
15-tooth track cog. New, $25.00
Part# 56491
We do not know who made this cog.
The front side
The back side
16-tooth 1/8" track cogs: Shimano Dura-Ace | Suzue
Shimano Dura Ace 16-tooth track cog.
Shimano Dura Ace 16-tooth track cog. New, $30.00/each
- This was taken off a new bike.
- This cog was manufactured to NJS standards.
Front side
Back of the cog
Shimano Dura Ace 16-tooth track cog. Used, $30.00/each
Front view
Here's the back of the cog.
Suzue 16-tooth track cog. New, $45.00
Part# 56502
- We have three in stock
- Mirror-polished Stainless Steel
- CNC-machined
Beautifully finished.
Here's the 16-tooth cog flipped over.
A little info from the package.
17-tooth 1/8" track cogs: Euro-Asia Imports | Suzue
Euro-Asia Imports ISO 17-tooth track cog. New, $42.00/each
Made in USA
Ready to roll.
Back of the cog.
Suzue 17-tooth track cog. New, $45.00
Part# 56503
- We have two in stock
- Mirror-polished Stainless Steel
- CNC-machined
Front side
The back of the 17-tooth cog
A little more info on the back of the box.
18-tooth 1/8" track cogs: 18-unknown maker | 18-unknown maker, used
18-tooth track cog. New, $25.00
Part# 56490
We do not know who made this cog.
Here's the front
And here's the back of the cog.
18-tooth track cog. Used, $15.00
We do not know who made this cog.
Front side
And from the back.
19-tooth 1/8" track cogs: Suzue
Suzue 19-tooth track cog. New, $45.00
Part# 56504
- We have two in stock
- Mirror-polished Stainless Steel
- CNC-machined
Front side, beautifully polished
The back side is just as beautiful.
20-tooth 1/8" track cogs: Vintage 20-tooth
20-tooth Vintage track cog. Used, $30.00
We don't know who made this lovely, old track cog.
Front of the cog
Here's the back.