South Salem Cycleworks: Salem, Oregon
(503) 480-2001
We have a huge stock of vintage and modern parts. Contact us!

Shimano Rear Derailleur Parts

On another page, we also have: Shimano front derailleurs | Shimano rear derailleurs

On this page: TNT alloy rear derailleur bolts for Shimano XT & LX

We don't have an on-line shopping cart. If you see something that interests you or if you have a question, please call us at (503) 480-2001.

TNT alloy rear derailleur bolt for 1994 Shimano XT and LX. New, $50.00

We have this bolt in blue, purple, red

TNT alloy rear derailleur bolt in blue. New, $50.00

Part# 75051-B

Shimano derailleur bolt

TNT alloy rear derailleur bolt in purple. New, $50.00

Part# 75051-P

We have two purple bolts in stock

Shimano derailleur bolt

TNT alloy rear derailleur bolt in red. New, $50.00

Part# 75051-R

TNT Shimano derailleur bolt