South Salem Cycleworks: Salem, Oregon
(503) 480-2001
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Spring-Summer 2019: New hip, new house

May 21 | June 7

June 7: Day 21 after surgery

Medicine doesn't have to be pretty to be effective.

Stapled together

After surgery I was stapled together like a piece of inexpensive furniture.


Simple, but effective.

May 21, 2019: New Hip, new house

I’m currently on day 9 following the long awaited hip replacement! Hard to believe that 10 days ago I was riding a bike on my trainer without a crankarm shortener, albeit I had to rock it 20 times before getting over the top of the revolution. 400 revolutions later, though not 100% smooth, it was at 90+ rpm, with only a nag from the knee to remind me! While not able to ride on the hoods for much more than 100 rpm, I felt a real progress!

Now, pushing the walker to the ends of the house is a repetitive test, and an extended session at the computer doing invoices, receipts and quotes, leaves me wiped.

Today, someone will have to serve as car jockey while I guide them to the retrieval of sold goods. Monday brings my first physical therapy outside the home—I can’t imagine what they can perform on this person! The hip feels like the hitch of a Burley Piccolo—without the support and restraint of the rack!

Coincidentally, and certainly unavoidable, we bought a larger house, with a much larger garage and built-on storage room. There’s also a space to install a 10x20’ structure, all of which will lessen my storage fees, and shorten the trips to retrieve goods. Nonetheless, I’m not much help, more of an additional chore, for my wife, Barbara.

I’d love to see you, but as of now, I’m not sure what condition my condition will be in!

My good friend, Marilyn, rode Reach the Beach yesterday, gambled on the weather, rode her fair-weather Bianchi, and missed the afternoon finale show(er) and fireworks!


Marilyn reached the beach!

One year we were riding back from Reach the Beach and a lightning storm approached from behind, as we were leaving Sheridan and approaching Amity. Tom was lagging, and I waited for him. Phil raced off, and after Tom caught up, I towed him to the park with a covered area. While we stretched out on the tables, waiting for the storm to pass, Phil explained how he had a phobia of lightning.